3. Limon™ BMS Software Licencing

Limon™ desktop application has to be activated online when start to use first time. Before trying to active the software, user must have right user credentials. Please contact us for getting demo software and licence informations.

Once you get your licence information, please see and apply instructions below.

Before Activating Your Licence

License is not redistributable! After activation, licenced software only can be used on the same computer. You can't use same license information for any other computers. If you want to change your computer or lost access to your system please contact us to regenerate licensing process. Pay your attention before activating your licence.


If you carry or copy the executable file to the another location, you may enter the licence credentials again.

Fig.3.1: End User Licence Agreement


User must agree with terms and conditions to continue.

Fig.3.2: Entering the Licence Informations


User must enter the right licence credentials exactly same with supplied information. All text boxes are lower and upper case sensetive.

Fig.3.3: Activating the license


Once you entered all the information correctly, click the Register and wait until see the succesful screen. If you use firewall or have bad internet connection, you may retry a few times more. Software has to connect to the licence server to active your licence.

Fig.3.4: Successfully Registered


When you see Successfully Registered screen then wait until while switching the main screen. If something goes wrong you can restart the application.