4. Limon™ BMS Software Live View

All the datas about battery pack can be seen on this screen. All live incoming datas may monitor cell-by-cell, module-by-module. Every field has its own deticated functionality. Each field description can be seen below.

Fig.4.1 Live View Screen

Field No. Description
M1 Selection tab for Live View.
G1 Main Module's PCB temperature.
G2 Main Module's FET temperature (if exist, otherwise this field is always shows zero).
G3 Maximum cell value of the whole battery pack.
G4 Minumum cell value of the whole battery pack.
G5 Maximum cell voltage delta/imbalance (Maximum Cell-Minumum Cell).
G6 Total voltage of whole battery pack.
G7 Battery power situation. Stats: CHARGING, DISCHARGING, IDLE
G8 Battery Cycle
G9 Total of number of all events.
G10 Battery pack's charge path situation. Stats: ON, OFF
G11 Battery pack's discharge path situation. Stats: ON, OFF
G12 Battery pack's precharge path situation. Stats: ON, OFF
G13 Module ID selection.
G14 Module cell connection status Setting of Number of Cells
G15 Module cell connection status Detected Cells
G16 Total voltage of battery module.
G17 Cell voltage (mv) and bar level chart.
G18 Balance Status of Cell. If balance is activated for a cell, number is labeled as red circle.
G19 Temperature live chart for selected module.
G20 Minumum temperature for selected module.
G21 Mean temperature for selected module.
G22 Maximum temperature for selected module.
G23 Maximum temperature delta for selected module.
G24 Current value live chart. Current The current level is displayed as line graph.
G25 Current value. Minus sign for discharge, plus sign for charge.
G26 Live power value of the system. Minus sign for discharge, plus sign for charge.
G27 Net energy value of battery pack.
G28 SOC value of battery pack.
G29 Connected port information
G30 Authorization status