7.2 Limon™ BMS Software Cell Settings

Battery management system's most important part is the settings. User must set the correct parameters of the system to achieve no errors.


Always double check your settings before saving all settings.

Fig.7.2.1: Cell Settings Screen

Table.7.2.1: Cell Settings Screen Elements Descriptions

Element No. Description Setting Options
M4 Selection tab for Settings.
T2 Selection tab for Cell Settings.
S14 Over Cell Alarm Voltage Triggers a warning event before reaching cell over voltage protection point.
S15 Over Cell Protection Voltage Protection limit for any cell's voltage.
S16 Over Voltage Protection Delay Time Delay time before cell protection event.
S17 Over Voltage Protection Release Voltage Release voltage value when cell over voltage event has been triggered
S18 Under Cell Alarm Voltage Triggers a warning event before reaching under cell voltage protection point.
S19 Under Cell Protection Voltage Protection limit for any cell's voltage.
S20 Under Cell Protection Delay Time Delay time before cell protection event.
S21 Under Cell Protection Release Voltage Release voltage value when cell under voltage event has been triggered
S22 Minumum cell voltage threshold to start balance progress Any balancing cell value must be higher than this threshold to apply balancing current
S23 Cell balance start delta voltage Any balancing cell value must be higher than this threshold to apply balancing current
S24 Cell Balance Stop Delta Voltage Balancing current has apply to cell until reaching desired cell delta voltage after starting balance progress.
S25 Imbalanced maximum cell delta voltage This value is critical value of delta between any cells in the system. Any value higher than this threshold will trigger full protection event.
S26 Maksimum Simultaneously Balancing Cell Count Number of cells to apply simultaneously balancing current. Higher value may require extra cooling elements.
S27 Cell Balancing Method:

Balance Restricted: Balance Operation Disabled
While Charging: Balance Operation Only While Charging
While Discharging: Balance Operation Only While Discharging
When Not Idle: Balance Operation Only While No Charging or Discharging
Always: Balance Operation Always ON
While charging option may selected for best balancing progress.
S28 Balance Power Duty Cycle Selection Between 10% - %100 Applying full balancing current is not a good option for sustainable system response. Select a mean value for optimum balancing current.
S29 Maksimum Parallel Battery Packs Voltage Delta If any parallel group defined, pack voltage delta threshold cannot be higher than this value. Higher values may cause permanant system damage on power elements such as, cables, connectors and fuses.
B1 Read all setting from BMS memory. You must read all the settings from BMS before making changes on the any settings.
B2 Save all setting to BMS memory. You must save all the settings after making changes on the any settings.
B3 Import setting from setting file on your local computer. You can import settings which exported before.
B4 Export setting to setting file on your local computer. You can export settings after read all event.
B5 Restart the BMS board Some changes may active after a software restart event.
B6 Turn BMS into factory settings. This event cannot be undone.