7.6 Limon™ BMS Software Interface Settings

Battery management system's most important part is the settings. User must set the correct parameters of the system to achieve no errors.


Always double check your values before saving all settings.

Fig.7.6.1: Interface Settings Screen

Table.7.6.1: Interface Settings Screen Elements Descriptions

Element No. Description Setting Options
M4 Selection tab for Settings.
T6 Selection tab for Peripheral Settings.
S75 Serial Port No#0 Protocol. This port using as fixed service port.

LiMon PC: Deticated Protocol for PC Tool Communication Only
JSON: JSON Communication. See "BMS Communication -> JSON" section for details.
S76 Canbus No#0 Speed Settings Canbus baudrate options.

S77 Canbus No#0 Data Period Settings Canbus data interval

Disable: No Periodic Data. Only Responds When Requested.
250ms: Data Send to every 250ms
500ms: Data Send to every 500ms
1000ms: Data Send to every 1000ms
1500ms: Data Send to every 1500ms
2000ms: Data Send to every 2000ms
S78 Canbus No#0 Port Protocol. Select proper canbus protocol for your application.

Disabled: No protocol selected or no canbus hardware
LiBat CANBus v1.0: Customized v1.0 canbus protocol of our own dataset. See "BMS Communication -> Canbus" section for details.
LiBat CANBus v2.0: Customized v2.0 canbus protocol of our own dataset. See "BMS Communication -> Canbus" section for details.
S79 Canbus Frame ID in Decimal Format First 4 bytes of canbus ID can be customized. Set proper ID or left as it is. e.g. 2730=0xAAA, 3003=0xBBB
S80 RS485 No#0 protocol selection Select proper modbus protocol for your application.

Disabled:No protocol selected or no modbus hardware
MODBUS RTU: Standart Modbus RTU protocol. See "BMS Communication -> Modbus" section for details.
S81 Modbus ID in Decimal Format Set proper ID for modbus RTU protocol. See "BMS Communication -> Modbus" section for details.
S82 RS485 No#1 protocol selection Select proper modbus protocol for your application.

Disabled:No protocol selected or no modbus hardware
S83 Multi Master (MM) configuration Set multi master behaviour for communication of between master hardwares
S84 Number of Multi Master (MM) slave units Set number of multi master slave units for communication of between master hardwares
B1 Read all setting from BMS memory. You must read all the settings from BMS before making changes on the any settings.
B2 Save all setting to BMS memory. You must save all the settings after making changes on the any settings.
B3 Import setting from setting file on your local computer. You can import settings which exported before.
B4 Export setting to setting file on your local computer. You can export settings after read all event.
B5 Restart the BMS board Some changes may active after a software restart event.
B6 Turn BMS into factory settings. This event cannot be undone.