7.5 Limon™ BMS Software Peripheral Settings

Battery management system's most important part is the settings. User must set the correct parameters of the system to achieve no errors.


Always double check your values before saving all settings.

Fig.7.5.1: Peripheral Settings Screen

Table.7.5.1: Peripheral Settings Screen Elements Descriptions

Element No. Description Setting Options
M4 Selection tab for Settings.
T5 Selection tab for Peripheral Settings.
S65 Output function assignment for defined outputs Assign a function for specific output. See the BMS model page for output physical situation and number like relay, ttl output or open drain.

No Function: No state Change in Any Condition
Low SOC Limit-1(≥15): Output stays active while SOC below %15
Low SOC Limit-2(≥5): Output stays active while SOC below %5
Over Temperature Warning: Output stays active if any temperature warning occurred
Cell Over Voltage Warning: Output stays active if any cell warning occurred
External Led Functionality: Output state acts same with external led state
Main Concactor Output: Main contactor control output for power path control
Pre Charge Concactor Output: Output for pre charge control circuitary
Always ON: Output stays always ON
Charge Contactor Output: Output signal for charge power path control only
Discharge Contactor Output: Output signal for discharge power path control only
S66 Input function assignment for defined inputs Assign a function for specific input. See the BMS model page for input physical situation and number.

No Function: No State Change in Any Condition
Main Contactor Auxiliary: Input For Main Contactor's Auixilary Output
Battery Output Disable: Force battery power path(s) to OFF
DCHG Power Path Disable: Force battery DCHG power path to OFF
CHG Connector Interlock: Interlock input to detect charge connector whether connected or not
S67 HV voltage detection input Detect and measure high voltage points to ensure HV path health.
S68 Charge power path override control For testing purposes, override the status of BMS charge power path
S69 Discharge power path override control For testing purposes, override the status of BMS discharge power path
S70 User button type options:

Push Button : Standart Push Button
On/Off Switch: Standart 2 Position On/Off Switch
Short-mid-long press actions are only available when push button option is selected. On/Off Switch option blocks board shutdown.
S71 Short Press Assigment Options Any press time between (1 second < Push Time < 5 seconds ) will active short press action. Click once more to approve short press action after holding proper time.
S72 Mid Press Assigment Options Any press time between ( 5 seconds < Push Time < 10 seconds ) will active mid press action. Click once more to approve mid press action after holding proper time.
S73 Long Press Assigment Options Any press time more than ( 10 seconds < Push Time ) will active long press action. Click once more to approve long press action after holding proper time.
S74 Press Assigment Options Any assignment can be activated after one single press by holding certain of time needed

Restart System : Restarts System same as Power Up
Clear All Errors: Clears All Erros and forces the power outputs ON along 60 seconds
Shutdown Board: Shutdowns the system for minimize the power consumption.
Sleep Board: System goes to the sleep asap and ready to wakep up via Canbus or User button. This option does not guarentee the minimize consumption.
B1 Read all setting from BMS memory. You must read all the settings from BMS before making changes on the any settings.
B2 Save all setting to BMS memory. You must save all the settings after making changes on the any settings.
B3 Import setting from setting file on your local computer. You can import settings which exported before.
B4 Export setting to setting file on your local computer. You can export settings after read all event.
B5 Restart the BMS board Some changes may active after a software restart event.
B6 Turn BMS into factory settings. This event cannot be undone.